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For the first time Australia’s leading natural history museums have come together for a national citizen science research project. Together we can identify frog species by their call and help to save Australia’s frogs.
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Support FrogID

The Australian Museum acknowledges the generous support of those who help FrogID continue as a leading citizen science project.

If you would like to know more about how to support the Australian Museum FrogID program, please contact the Development team on (02) 9320 6216,

For information on Corporate Partnerships, please contact our Partnership Sales Manager on (02) 9320 6450,

Project contributors

A huge amount of published and unpublished data has been drawn upon in the creation of FrogID, particularly our species profiles. We would like to especially thank the authors and publishers of the following books on Australian frogs, which the FrogID team use as references on a regular basis.
  • Anstis, M. (2013). Tadpoles and frogs of Australia, New Holland Publishers, Chatswood, NSW.
  • Hoskin, C. & Hero, J-M. (2008). Rainforest frogs of the wet tropics, north-east Australia, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld.
  • Tyler, M. J. & Doughty, P. (2009) Field guide to frogs of Western Australia, Western Australian Museum, Welshpool, WA.
We would also like to thank the many authors, researchers and FrogID participants that have contributed in ways small or large to the FrogID project and help advance our understanding of Australia’s frogs on a daily basis.

Special thanks to the following contributors who helped make the initial FrogID project possible:

  • Frog species information produced by Christopher Portway
  • Distribution maps created by Christopher Portway, Blake Danis and Claude Moelan
  • Frog calls edited by Tim Cutajar
  • iOS & Android Apps developed by IBM
  • Website & API developed by Beaconmaker
Initial FrogID content contributed by:
  • Aaron Payne
  • Ace Frawley
  • Adam Brice
  • Adam Parsons
  • Akash Samuel
  • Alex Anderson
  • Alexander Dudley
  • Alexandre Roux
  • Anders Zimny
  • Angus McNab
  • Ben Parkhurst
  • Ben Revell
  • Bruce Thomson
  • Cameron de Jong
  • Chad Beranek
  • Chris Jolly
  • Chris Sanderson
  • Christopher J Jolly
  • Crystal Kelehear
  • Dale Roberts
  • Damian Lettoof
  • Dan Lynch
  • Dan O'Brien
  • Dane Trembath
  • Daniel O'Brien
  • Dave Stewart
  • David Nelson
  • Dianne Clarke
  • Eduard Galoyan
  • Eric Vanderduys
  • Evan Pickett
  • Frank Lemckert
  • Fred Jean Hort
  • G A Hoye
  • G. Little
  • George Madani
  • Gill Basnett
  • Grant Webster
  • Greg Clarke
  • Greg Little
  • Gunther Schmida
  • H.B. Hines QPWS
  • Hal Cogger
  • Hans and Judy Beste
  • J P Lawrence
  • Jack Gamble
  • Jan Anderson
  • Jasmine Vink
  • Jean and Fred Hort
  • Jeremy Storey
  • Jessica O’Donnell
  • Joanne Ocock
  • Jodi Rowley
  • John Anderson
  • John Wolf
  • Jono Hooper
  • Jordan Mulder
  • Jordan Vos
  • Jules Farquhar
  • Jurgen Haider
  • Keith McDonald
  • Kim Williams
  • Kris Bell
  • Kristen Spyrdz
  • Lockie Gilding
  • Marion Anstis
  • Matt Summerville
  • Matthew Frawley
  • Michael J Barritt
  • Michael Mahony
  • Michael McFadden
  • Neil Zoglauer
  • Paul Doughty
  • Pete Reid
  • Peter street
  • R. and A. Williams
  • Rob Davis
  • Rob Valentic
  • Robert Whyte
  • Ruchira Somaweera
  • Ryan Francis
  • Scott Eipper
  • Scott Goodwin
  • Sean Severs
  • Shane Black
  • Simon Cherriman
  • Stephen Mahony
  • Stephen Richards
  • Tim Bawden
  • Tim Cutajar
  • Tim Rudman
  • Todd Burrows
  • Troy Bell
  • Wendy Eiby

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