Thanks to the contributions of FrogID users across Australia, this growing database of biodiversity records and audio recordings has become an unparalleled information resource on Australia’s frogs. FrogID has allowed us to better understand the true species diversity, distribution and breeding habitats of Australian frogs with a geographic coverage and spatial, temporal and taxonomic accuracy never before possible. Monitoring frog presence at sites over time is also helping us understand how frogs and their ecosystems are responding to a changing planet- from fires, droughts, floods and urbanisation.
Since winter 2021, the Australian Museum’s Herpetology department has been working closely with Australian Registry of Wildlife Health and government biosecurity and environment agencies to understand the scale of the mass frog deaths across Australia, leading the research to understand the likely causes.
If you observe a sick or dead frog, please email your observation (including photos and location information, if possible) to the Australian Museum’s FrogID team at
We appreciate your important reports of sick and dead frogs, as well as your FrogID submissions through the FrogID app. Together, we are gathering the information we need to help conserve our unique frogs.
30 August 2023
30 June 2023
10 October 2022
29 June 2022
22 November 2021
27 August 2021
28 September 2020
The FrogID dataset version 4.0 has been released for download and can be accessed from the FrogID website, Atlas of Living Australia and state wildlife atlases across Australia. This dataset spans the first four years of the project, from 10 November 2017 to 9 November 2021, and includes over 484,227 records of 207 species, approximately 85% of the known 247 frog species in Australia. We follow ethical data publication guidelines and consider certain records as sensitive, thereby reducing geolocation accuracy in our publicly available dataset, taking into account the conservation status of the species, whether the species is highly range-restricted, and whether the record falls within the known geographic range of these species. Updates to the dataset are anticipated on an annual basis. For a more detailed overview of methodology and design aspects see Rowley et al. (2019), and for metadata associated with this dataset, see Rowley & Callaghan (2020).
If you would like to collaborate or would like to request additional data not currently publicly available, please contact and request an ‘Application to Conduct Research or Provide Data’ form
Requests will be reviewed by one or all members of the Scientific Reference Committee on a case by case basis, they will be assessed based on the strength of the proposed research activity and overlap with existing research projects. A licence agreement form will be provided to the researcher for signing once the application has been assessed as successful. Please note: due to high levels of demand, and our small team size, it is not possible to fulfill all requests. A fee may apply for requests for specialised data and specialist expertise.